Ulrich Investment Consultants – Whitney E. Solcher


Whitney Solcher


Whitney E. Solcher

CFA Partner I Chief Investment Officer – Ulrich Investment Consultants

How does your firm differentiate itself from other investment firms?

Many people hold themselves out to be financial advisors, but we are a true Fiduciary investment consultant, meaning we have no conflicts of interest and our sole focus is advocating on behalf of our clients. We have no proprietary products, but instead build customized wealth solutions by constructing thoughtful portfolios from best-in-class managers around the globe, who undergo stringent quantitative and qualitative due diligence, as well as fee negotiation on behalf of our clients.


What is the most important advice you are giving your clients about navigating the current COVID-19 financial crisis?

Sticking to a long-term strategic investment policy is critical to investment success during a crisis and removes the urge to panic. In addition, where appropriate we have tactically weighted our clients’ portfolios towards innovation and technology, cybersecurity, biotech, and communication services, which have added meaningful outperformance and downside protection given their COVID resilient qualities.


What types of clients do you specialize in?

We service high net worth families and their business entities, foundations & endowments, family offices, and can act as an out-sourced CIO.


How do women play a role in your firm?

We believe women are an important piece to the financial puzzle as they tend to make the majority of the financial decisions, however, historically have been underrepresented in the industry. At Ulrich, the majority of our decision-making team is composed of women, including our Chief Investment Officer, Head of Financial Planning and Head of Operations.



Ulrich Investment Consultants

755 E. Mulberry Ave, Suite 430 

San Antonio, TX 78212

(210) 286-8880



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