Dr. Bart Wilson

Bart Wilson

Transforming San Antonio One Smile at a Time By Michelle Vasquez | Photography by David Teran   Dr. Bart Wilson knew he wanted to make a difference in the healthcare industry. Orthodontics was a natural choice based on his experience working with his orthodontist: “I enjoyed my orthodontics experience, which I don’t think everybody does; […]

Leon Springs Dental Center

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What sets your practice apart from other dental practices? Our practice stands out through our unwavering commitment to patient comfort and satisfaction. We prioritize a personalized approach to dental care, tailoring treatments to each individual’s unique needs. Our team’s extensive experience and continuous education ensure that we offer the latest in dental technology and techniques. […]

Alamo Heights Pediatric Dentistry

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What types of dental care do you offer?  Our pediatric dental practice offers care starting as soon as the first tooth comes. We focus on prevention, but when treatment is needed for our young friends, we offer a variety of options such as silver diamine fluoride (SDF), zirconia and stainless steel crowns, tooth-colored resins, and […]

5 Star Dental Group

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What services does your practice offer?  We specialize in Prosthodontics, which includes specialized training in cosmetic and restorative dentistry.  Our goal is to do conservative dental treatments to save and prolong the life of your teeth. We focus on smile makeovers, which can include veneers, crowns, and clear aligners to straighten teeth.  We also take […]

VK and VV Orthodontics

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What sets your practice apart from other Orthodontic practices? We specialize in offering a wide variety of customized treatment options to patients of all ages, a service that’s unique to our practice. Our youngest patient is 5.5 years old, and we have treated patients in every decade up to 85 years old. We have treated […]