The Head-Heart Connection

Head Heart graphic

  By Sunita Punjabi, PhD     Recent scientific advances have revealed the remarkable interplay between the heart and brain. This concept showcases the heart’s intrinsic nervous system, often called its “little brain.” It challenges the traditional understanding of the heart as a mere pump and opens doors to a deeper understanding of how cardiac […]

The Impact of Seasonal Changes on Anxiety and Depression During the Holidays

Sad Beautiful Woman With Cup Near Window Indoors On Rainy Day

    By Tameika Roames, Clinical Assistant / Head Researcher – Brain Coach LLC   As the leaves fall and temperatures drop, many people experience a shift in mood that goes beyond the typical end-of-year stress. The holidays, which should be a time of joy, often heighten feelings of anxiety and depression, creating a mental […]

Best Practices With Dr. Murphy: My Journey

Dr. Murphy

  MY JOURNEY: Bumps In The Road and The Four “R’s” I Use to Steer Around Them By Bill Murphy, MD, Medical Director, Turquoise Springs Medical Spa   The last year has been one I could choose to give in to pain, aging, decreased function, become more sedentary, give up golf and vigorous exercise, and […]

The Human Brain

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  The Enigma of the Human Brain: Operating on Autopilot Hindering “Life by Design” By Sunita Punjabi, PhD     The Intricacies of the Brain’s Autopilot Function The human brain, a marvel of evolution, often operates on autopilot mode, seamlessly carrying out routine tasks without conscious effort. This autopilot function is essential for efficiency in […]

Children’s Counseling

Mind Works

  Founded in 2009 by CEO Dr. Anne Esquivel, Mind Works is a Children’s Counseling Practice offering families and their children a comprehensive slate of mental health services and treatments, including assessments, child, teen, and family therapy, parenting support, and medication-assisted treatment.   Dr. Esquivel began her counseling career as a solo practitioner in Centreville, […]