No Matter What the Weather, Life is Always Sunny for Siobhain Anders

I’m happy that I wake up every day, and hopefully make somebody’s day easier, and maybe make someone smile.
Making Business Ownership Dreams Come True

As more women carve their own niche in the business world by following their entrepreneurial dreams, founding their own entities and opening their own stores, membership in the sorority of female business owners seems to be bursting at the seams. American Express estimates that women opened 1,821 businesses a day in the last year […]
Moving & Shaking

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
Elizabeth Macias Bomer

“I always wanted to do something that gave back to the community.”
Carol Meyer & Sarah Meyer

OWNERS, SCOUT AND MOLLY’S BOUTIQUE QUARRY VILLAGE What do you like best about Scout & Molly’s? Carol – My favorite part is our fashion and accessories and meeting the new people that come in. Sarah – I love helping to style each customer with their individual look. I want them to feel good […]