STEM: SMU Veronica Contreras Shannon

Verónica Contreras-Shannon, Ph.D. Professor of Biological Sciences and MARC U*STAR Program Director St. Mary’s University One Camino Santa Maria San Antonio, TX 78228 210-431-4324 1. What path led you to where you are in your career/education today? As an undergraduate student, I had a work-study position in an ecology research lab studying various agricultural pests. […]
Nonprofit Spotlight: Women & Girls Development Fund

San Antonio Area Foundation Boosts Girl Power Through Women & Girls Development Fund By San Antonio Area Foundation When business consultant Celina Montoya joined the Steering Committee of the San Antonio Area Foundation’s Women & Girls Development Fund, she was surprised to discover that there didn’t seem to be a concerted community effort to boost […]
Dossier: Marketing Initiative Worx

Name and Title: Liz Papagni, CEO Business Name: Marketing Initiative Worx, Inc. Business Phone Number: (714) 595-0963 Business Website: 1. In what types of businesses or industries does your agency specialize? We work primarily with small to mid-tier companies that are looking to take their business to the next level and need the marketing […]
STEM: UTSA Karen Mendiondo

UTSA Environmental Science and Engineering Student Finds the Earth and Ocean to be the Ideal Research Laboratory By Antonio Gutierrez As a child, Karen Mendiondo found great fascination in the rocks and minerals she found and tucked in her pocket while hiking the White Mountains of her native New Hampshire and marveling at the […]
Dossier: Kim Gresham Anderson

Dossier: Kim Gresham Anderson Name and Title: Kim Gresham, President Business Name: Anderson Marketing Group Business Address: 85 NE Loop 410, Suite 501, San Antonio, Texas 78216-5866 Business Phone Number: 210-223-6233 Business Website: What services do you offer? We’re idea people and problem solvers. Brands come to us with a problem or a marketing […]