Trudy Madan

Fueled by Optimism, Confidence and Candor
Women in Law

Raising the Bar Lawyer jokes are a dime a dozen, but our guess is that if these top-notch litigators walked into the bar, everyone would enjoy lively conversation while learning a thing or two about how to successfully represent their clients. And having these women enjoy a drink and conversation together fits with the collegial […]
All You Need Is Love

Four Moms with Very Unique Families There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to what the definition of what a family really is. It means something different to everyone. For some, the American standard of a mother, a father and 2.3 children epitomizes what a family looks like For others, it […]
Jessica Adam

Making Her Wildest Dreams Come True When you hear that Jessica Adam, Senior Animal Care Specialist at San Antonio Zoo, is intimidated by parrots, it’s hard to understand how she can handle working with lions, giraffes, and rhinos on a daily basis. “I’ve never found a parrot that liked me. And their excited face is the […]
Dr. Patricia Lew

DAOM, L.Ac., President, Owner, Licensed Acupuncturist Alamo Heights Wellness What made you decide to go into the field of acupuncture? My senior year at the University of Texas at Austin, I received a coupon in the mail for acupuncture. I decided to try it for a variety of health issues and fell […]