Dr. Kathleen Hands: At the forefront of thyroid care

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Dr. Kathleen Hands’ Practice Focuses on Thyroid Disorders. One of the first things you notice upon entering Dr. Kathleen Hands’ office is a long hand-written chart posted on an inside door. It contains the record of her patients’ weight loss progress over a period of a year, with the collective sum of pounds lost, 2517, […]

Mothers & Daughters Echoing Each Other

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From generation to generation. The myth that we become our mothers can be infuriating, but in some ways it’s true. Daughters shape their own lives while mothers watch their daughters grow into beautiful young women. Wrinkles begin to map the mothers’ faces, the power lines of age and wisdom. Then one day the daughter grows […]

Shaping San Antonio’s Home Interiors Business


Four Entrepreneurs Shaping San Antonio’s Home Interiors Business. Striking out on your own in business is scary and exciting. What does it take to make it a success? We asked four of the leading entrepreneurs in San Antonio’s home interiors arena how they got their start. These women are not only established names in shaping […]

Role Model Rachelle Simpson, Cliff Diving Women’s World Champion

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Titleholder shares her journey to become world-class athlete. As a young home-schooled child, Rachelle Simpson aspired to be an Olympic gymnast. She gave up that dream at age 10, she says, adding, “I was a fair gymnast; not great. But I had the mentality.” Now her dream to be an Olympian may be possible in […]

A Woman of Many Talents: Christie Beckham loves the theater

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Actress/director Christie Beckham believes in the power of the Tsar Bell. That 20-foot-high bronze bell sits on a pedestal inside the Kremlin for tourists to admire and touch if they want to return to Russia. “I touched the bell,” says Beckham, who first visited Russia with fellow theater students from Texas Christian University. The magic […]