Business Woman Spotlight: Laura O. Duran – Roberson Duran Law, PLLC

Laura O. Duran

Roberson Duran Law, PLLC

What do you enjoy most about your work? 

Fighting for my clients when they don’t have much fight left in themselves. Often, when our clients come to us, they are mentally and emotionally exhausted. They have a hard time finding their words, organizing their thoughts, and even knowing what they want. I love to help them navigate the process and be their voice. When my clients get their voices back and their fight back, it’s wonderful to see. 

What career path led you to where you are today? 

I’ve always liked and related to the underdog and fighting for those who can’t fight for themselves. When I was younger, and of course now, I always had a good eye for what was fair. 

When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a lawyer, full stop. When I was a sophomore in high school, my English teacher had us write letters to ourselves that she mailed out to us five years later. When I got mine, it said, “Hey girl, hope law school is going well…” It’s always been in me.

What is the best advice you ever received?

To keep God first in all I do. My parents were very religious, and they instilled that into my sisters and me. And really, it has somewhat evolved for me. I now understand what they meant was keep love first, keep gratitude first, keep generosity first. 

What community or non-profit groups do you support?

I am very involved in my daughter’s Girl Scout troop and now my son’s Boy Scout troop. It has taught my daughter a lot about being herself and leadership. I’ve been lucky that both of my children found really inspiring and tight-knit troops.

What do you do to relax outside of work?

Relax is a loaded word because I have three little ones, and I run my own law firm. But I love cooking and listening to podcasts.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I love to clean. I love having things in order, and I have no problem doing it. 

What is your favorite event in San Antonio in the summer? Why?

I love the summertime. Being born and raised in South Texas, there is something in the air that naturally evolves come the end of May. It’s like the combination of the cicadas, the birds, the longer days. I love sitting on my front porch eating raspas and listening to the kids play outside. It just feels innocent and happy.

What is your favorite local San Antonio restaurant? Why?

That’s a tough one because I am a foodie! Sushihana never fails me. I love Aldo’s, as well. Both are fresh and pride themselves on using only high-quality ingredients. 

What is the most inspirational book you have read this year?

I’ve read The Four Agreements several times, at least a dozen. But it brought on a new meaning for me this year. Being quarantined and less scheduled during 2020 allowed me time to really look inward for the first time in a long time. This book always gives me perspective.

What do you think makes being a “San Antonio Woman” so special?

Feeling that sense of pride and strength. When I think of a San Antonio Woman, I think of hardworking, resilient mothers, sisters and daughters, teachers, doctors, lawyers, and health care workers. Just a group of strong ladies that can do anything they put their minds to. I love being a part of that group.

Who has influenced you the most in your life or career? 

That has to be my grandmothers. They were both Tejanas and wonderful homemakers. They put their children first always and worked so hard and never complained. They just did it. They were women of action and movement. When I find myself resting on my laurels, I hear their voices in my head telling me to push harder and to never give up.

Roberson Duran Law, PLLC

4243 E. Piedras Dr, Ste. 140. San Antonio, TX 78228



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