WOMAN TO WATCH: Paula D. Perez




Attorney Paula D. Perez is a San Antonio native who took a huge risk when deciding to open her new law office during a global pandemic. She attributes recent professional growth and success to God, Family, and prior mentors. It is only the beginning for this San Antonio Woman, the legacy that she is determined to leave, and the influential changes that she continues to make in the lives of her clients and her hometown. 



What inspired you to open your new office?

My biggest inspiration was and is my nineteen-month-old son, Lathan. Prior to becoming a mom, I struggled with the idea of whether it was possible to be a successful mother and attorney. Until my son was born, I was accustomed to working thirteen-plus-hour days without having to think twice or feel guilty. In January 2020, I returned from maternity leave and adjusted to being a new working mom, only to be slapped in the face by a global pandemic. I had no choice but to act quickly and carefully, ensuring a fine balance in between caring for my son at home while continuing to practice law competently. My son gave me more than a different purpose in life; he inspired me to “bet on myself” during a time when most were trying to survive. 


What has been the hardest thing about opening your own business?

Getting a seat at the table and establishing myself in a field that continues to be male-dominated. You must be sure to be respectful of others while being true to yourself. Although it may not come naturally to some of us, I have learned that you cannot be timid about your personal successes. We ourselves are our biggest cheerleaders and advocates. There is nothing wrong with being transparent about our principles and what we want to achieve. 


What are five questions you should ask an attorney before retaining their law firm to handle your case?

One-Have you handled any cases like mine? How is my case similar and/or different than previously handled cases?

Two-What is the best and worst possible outcome for a case like mine? 

Three-Are there alternatives to solving a legal matter like mine?

Four-If I retain your services, how often should I expect to hear from you/your office about my case?

Five- What is an ideal timeline for a case like mine?


Attorney Paula D. Perez emphasizes the importance of finding an attorney that fits you, your personality, your case, and your case goals. You should ensure that both you and the attorney iron out any areas of concern that you may have prior to retaining their services. All expectations should be established by each party prior to entering the attorney/client contractual agreement. So, remember, no question is a dumb question.



Law Office of Paula D. Perez

6128 Bandera Road

San Antonio, Texas 78238


210) 729-2029





Practice Areas:

Criminal Defense – Family Law – Personal Injury


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