Pin Power

There are few things as precious to a child as the jewelry of her mother and grandmother. Like the sparkling jewels from our favorite childhood tales, there was nothing like digging through their treasure boxes to see what we could find (and wear) that day.

Naturally, when I was little, I would rummage through my grandmother’s jewelry box, enamored with the various pieces of costume jewelry she owned. I would don the beaded necklaces, layer her bracelets on my arms, and bedeck each finger with sparkling rings, thinking I looked very much like a princess.

However, there was one bunch of sparkly things above all the others that caught my eye every time I opened her jewelry box, but I would only add them to my menagerie if I was feeling extra fancy that day. It was my grandma’s pin collection, five or six different sparkling brooches, crusted with gemstones, fastened to my dress by sharp needles on their backs.

I was enamored with the enamel beauties, and occasionally, I would strut up and down her hall wearing every pin she owned fastened to my dress of the day.

Fast forward to 2018, and pins are still hanging around, although evolved from the gemstones of Grandma’s church accessories. Pins and brooches have been around for centuries, bedecking royalty and commoner alike. Though they were once used for utilitarian purposes, pins have evolved through the years to become a fun fashion accessory, with options available for all ranges of ages and styles.

If you think pins are only for children, backpacks or stylish Grandmas, you are missing out on a world of fun style, my friend. Take a look at some of the pins we have pulled together, one of which even comes from a local San Antonio artist!

1. Neuro Blooms

These pins come from a collaboration between Leslie Holt and Shiny Apple Studios, and each depict PET scans of brains battling different mental illnesses. The ones shown here showcase the brain scans of someone with ADHD, PTSD and Depression. The goal of the designers is to spark curiosity and conversation to remove the stigma around mental illness. In fact, ten percent of the proceeds from each sale of these pins goes to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

  1. Ernie the Bee Set

Ernie the Bee comes from Rosebud Casson, an artist from Hartlepool, North East of England. This pin is fun, casual and cute, and supports the message that not all bees are bad!

  1. Corgi Butt

This quirky pin pays homage to the beloved backside of one the cutest pups on the market. YogurtLump is a San Antonio designer with a popular Esty shop, and her pins are the perfect way to add some frivolous flair to your favorite outfit or bag.

No matter your style, pins are a fun way to add interest to your look, and make for a fun conversation starter. There are a plethora of options out there, so find your favorite and tag us when you rock your newest accessory!

Also, shout out to our web developer Tuesday Shaw for bringing in her pin collection!

XOXO – SA Woman


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