Loma de Vida Spa

Relax…this is a word which has not been in my personal vocabulary. More than one massage therapist and doctor has said these words, “You don’t know how to relax, do you?” Perhaps it is because I was raised in a home full of tension…not sure…but, nevertheless, the word has haunted me, more than blessed me.

Until this week. I am so thankful to the therapists at The Loma de Vida Spa at the La Cantera Resort. This is a true destination spa in every sense of the word. For one whole day, I learned what the word RELAX really means.

Loma de Vida was constructed with beautiful views of our hill country influence in San Antonio. Lovely vegetation and big Texas sky follow every visitor throughout the experience. As I waited for my first treatment, I sat in the cool breeze (which I did not know existed in San Antonio in July) and listened to the birds and soothing img_5493music…real birds, not pre-recorded. The quiet and peace is incredible for one who rarely slows down.

After a time of breathing deep and letting go of all going on around me, I was met by my fist technician, a lovely woman originally from Turkey. She took me to a small studio, again with a view, and over the next two hours, I received these treatments:

“Uber Detox: For anyone in need of experiencing a sense of deep renewal and purification. A muscle-warming, remineralizing and purifying body treatment with the therapeutic aspects of the Tuscan thermal waters to stimulate energy flow, help to relieve aches and pains associated with joint problems as well as muscular tension.

Reflexology: Reflexology deals with the principle that there are reflex areas in the feet and hands which correspond to the glands, organs and systems of the body. Stimulating these reflexes properly can help many health problems in a natural way. Reflexology provides a beneficial effect on the organs and a person’s general health.”

I do not believe I have ever felt myself completely relax until this moment….and it was amazing. The entire two hours complete with lavender oils and treatment for sore muscles and joints was beyond description…and I really am not being overboard. Remember, I didn’t know how to relax. For two hours, I was completely at peace.

img_5488This beautiful room also has a balcony. That is where my lunch was served. I selected a Grilled Shrimp Salad with an Island Cooler made of pineapple, apple, beets, watermelon, oranges, and turmeric.

After lunch, I spent some time in the herbal steam room and made my sinus passages very happy. Also opens pores prior to a facial …. Which was next. The facial I experienced…like none other…was 90 minutes!

“Ultimate Radiance Lift: Achieve instant results that noticeably lift, tone and firm the skin, leaving you with a flawless, healthy and younger looking complexion. The ground-breaking Rose Infinity Collection uses Nobel Prize winning research that works at a cellular level to repair ageing DNA, radically increase moisture levels and stimulate collagen production. Wrinkles and lines are plumped up for visibly smoother, younger looking skin. The power of this collection of products is accelerated by gentle micro-currents to deliver active ingredients deeper into the skin, while also giving a non-surgical face lift that will tighten and focus on your key areas of concern to dramatically reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The result is younger looking skin and a radiant complexion.”

I have written about micro-currents before and am a complete fan of the process, so I was excited to remind my face of its youth! The procedure also included more head, neck and shoulder massage…just adding to the relaxed state-of-mind.   The perfect way to face my next birthday on the horizon!

I cannot recommend Loma de Vida enough and for those outside of the city…I say a resounding YES this is worth a destination and La Cantera Resort is a beautiful place to stay. You will be glad you made the choice to visit San Antonio this way.

I need to thank all of them for teaching me that I can RELAX, and it is important for my wellness to do this often. We must take care of ourselves, ladies.

*Please visit Loma de Vida’s website for more information on pricing and packaging.

Pamela Lutrell,
San Antonio Woman, Editor-In-Chief


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