Sticks, Stones, & Words Hurt

mommymatters Xtra bully

  I say it to my boys countless times a week. You know, that age-old parental reminder of, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” It’s a message we’ve passed down for generations in an attempt to make our children feel better when someone calls them a name or […]

How much sugar is too much?

boy with two donuts held over his eyes

Keeping our children healthy requires monitoring sugar intake, making better food choices, and getting them physically active.

The Gift of Giving

The holiday season is officially upon us and although it is accompanied by troves of visitors and a retail rush which is nothing short of chaos, it also comes with an outpouring of compassion and generosity. It is truly a spectacular time of year that centers around love and togetherness, being thankful for what we […]