The Habits of a Healthy Family

The family is the single most important influence in the life of a child. It is critically important for the family to have healthy practices for all of its members.

SPOTLIGHT: Martha Livingston, PhD, LPC

Martha Livingston, PhD, LPC CEO, San Antonio Counseling and Behavioral Center CEO, VCounselors Photography by David Teran   What changes have you seen in mental health over the past year? Mental health is at the forefront of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The virus is not only impacting our physical health but also our psychological wellbeing. Grief […]

Mental Health – Resources in San Antonio

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Mental illnesses are serious medical issues. The old-age adage that these illnesses can be overcome through “will power” and are related to a person’s “character” or “intelligence” has finally been debunked. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, every year, mental illness affects approximately 19 percent of the adult population, 13 percent of children […]