Guys to Know: Jeweler Paul Peñaloza

If your thoughts turn to fine jewelry at this time of the year, one of the best places to find it is at Peñaloza & Sons, a family-owned business that’s been around since 1958. Gold, diamonds and sapphires set in beautifully designed bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings and more glitter in the display cases. And it’s not […]
Hemisfair is her backyard: Andi Rodriguez loving life in the Alteza

Remember years ago when the idea of high-rise living in San Antonio was just a wistful dream? Downtown living was for tourists in hotels; urban flight was in full swing. But now the city’s population is on the move again, and this time it’s heading downtown for apartments and luxury high-rise living. Andi Rodriguez is […]
San Antonio digs into sustainable gardening: It works even in a small plot of land

Everything old is new again, as the saying goes, and in many ways that’s what the new sustainable gardening rage is all about — a return to good horticultural practices of the past. This includes protecting the environment with actions that are less harmful and more beneficial for our families, our gardens and the world […]
The McNay is 60 years old: Impressionist exhibit marks the anniversary

Marion Koogler McNay was 59 when she made the decision to turn her home and her art collection into the first modern art museum in Texas. Though she had always been interested in art — and was, in fact, an artist herself — until 1942 she mostly bought art to enjoy in her own magnificent […]
‘Tis the Season of Giving – Empathy may be the greatest gift

I remember the Christmas that my oldest son, Jack, was in kindergarten, and, like most children, his anticipation of the big day was reaching a fevered pitch. He had made his list, checked it twice, gone to see Santa, and was full of the confidence that only a 5-year-old can possess that, come Christmas morning, […]