The Subway Queen: Cathy Amato

San Antonians may be unfamiliar with Ruby Tuesday restaurants, but thanks to Cathy Amato and her partners, the brand may soon become a household name. The first local incarnation is already up and running on the corner of 281 and Evans Road, pleasantly perched above street tumult in a not yet fully developed shopping area. […]
A Taste Of Greatness: Entrepreneurs add flavor to San Antonio

Every woman has one — that single recipe that she won’t divulge simply because it is her signature dish. It could be that wonderful guacamole she brings to every gathering, the decadent brownies she totes to every school bake sale or the candy that she hand delivers to the neighbors during the holidays. It’s the […]
What Recession? Business owners thrive in a down economy

We’ve all seen the headlines that scream “Economic Crisis” and “Recession.” We read about declining housing markets, broken health care systems and small business owners being driven to close up shop. It isn’t a pretty picture. But while it’s true that we are living in an uncertain economy, the outlook isn’t all gloom and doom. […]
Growing Your Business Through Collaboration

Collaborating with other entrepreneurs can be the key to growing your business when you are the sole owner, have a small staff or have limited networking capabilities. Implementing strategies with other entrepreneurs to increase your bottom line can be done through effective collaborations. This could be a verbal agreement between you and another company to […]
An Advocate For Science: UTSA doctoral student hopes to attract youth to careers in research

Though she now spends eight-hour days in a chemistry laboratory, UTSA doctoral student Magaly Salinas didn’t grow up on the science-fair circuit. The first time she presented a poster at a conference was during her undergraduate years at the University of Texas — Pan American in Edinburg. As for elementary- or middle-school science, “I don’t […]