Turning Obstacles into Opportunities: Immigrant developed confidence and built a thriving business

Ana Maria Lecea, founder, presi-dent and CEO of Professional Performance Development Group, believes overcoming obstacles and turning them into opportunities is the world’s best confidence builder. And she is a very confident woman. “Women have had to overcome tremendous obstacles on our journey to economic self-determination. Some of us faced them early in our childhood, […]
Suddenly Single: How three San Antonio women rebuilt their lives after finding themselves unexpectedly single again

Most people get married hoping for a long and happy life together, but, sadly, it doesn’t always work that way. An accident, illness or divorce may bring a marriage to an abrupt end, leaving people bewildered and struggling to regain their stride. Some deal with it better than others. But all must forge ahead as […]
Spring Relaunch Repackaging and Reinventing Yourself

We are in an era of extreme makeovers in all things physical — our homes, our faces, our teeth, our bodies —almost anything that gets in our line of sight. And from all indicators, the majority of us are absolutely enthralled. In a world of quick fixes, we are intent on taking the shortest route […]
A Legacy of Song: Both singing, teaching enthrall soprano Linda Poetschke

In March 2002, the Express-News music critic Mike Greenberg began one of his many reviews of Linda Poetschke’s performances with these words: “For one hour each year, complete happiness is attainable on earth. That is the hour of soprano Linda Poetschke’s annual recital, the latest edition of which held the audience spellbound Monday in the […]
An Exotic Blend: Home shows influences of Europe and the East

Fred and Jade Bettah bring to their sprawling, multilevel Alamo Heights home the unique blend of two cultures. Jade is originally from Portugal, and Fred is Lebanese though he came to San Antonio most recently from El Paso. Jade arrived in the United States following the marriage of an aunt to an American military gentleman. […]