At Home with Mother Nature: Temporary dwelling capitalizes on hilltop setting

The thoroughly contemporary home of Dr. Joseph Murgo and his wife, Toni, sprawls in linear fashion in the midst of a little bit of heaven on earth. More specifically, their home of 18- plus years is strategically situated on the peak of a Hill Country foothill with a breathtaking 360-degree view of the very best […]
Pushing the Culinary Envelope: El Jarro de Arturo

El Jarro was the first place I came to eat alone as a newly single woman,” revealed Dining Companion when I announced our destination. “I must have eaten here a hundred times after the divorce,” she later said, indicating the table she usually had occupied, with only a book for a companion of her own. […]
Womanstress The Type E Woman: Doing everything for everyone

We have long known that stress is harmful to the health of human beings. I quote from a recent Harvard Mental Health Newsletter:”…prolonged [stress] can accelerate the aging of body cells, with obvious implications for health and longevity.” We also know that chronic stress can suppress the immune system, increasing vulnerability to illness. Type A […]
Diabetes: A Major Health Crisis in San Antonio

We have long known that stress is harmful to the health of human beings. I quote from a recent Harvard Mental Health Newsletter: “…prolonged [stress] can accelerate the aging of body cells, with obvious implications for health and longevity.” We also know that chronic stress can suppress the immune system, increasing vulnerability to illness. Type […]