Opening Bin 555

0506 dining

It used to be, or so it seems, that chefs were content to live out their creative days at the helm of a single, successful restaurant — if not in relentless pursuit of Michelin stars, then at least in search of accolades from hometown critics and customers. No more; all the big boys are at […]

Camping Etiquette Bring your manners, but leave the soap behind

SustainableGardening feature

Several years ago I was asked to present a session on summer “fun,” in particular camping etiquette. I was temporarily shocked that someone would consider asking me to talk about fun and camping in the same sentence. They obviously didn’t know that my idea of “roughing it” is drinking root beer from a can rather […]

Hiring Smart! Steps that will lead you to the best employee


Many small businesses do “threshold hiring”: A position becomes open and because of time pressures — and perhaps uneasiness about the whole hiring process — the first seemingly eligible person who walks across the threshold is hired! Larger companies, of course, have the luxury of having a Human Resources department with a set of procedures […]

Cellulite Alert: Spaced out by “lunar landscape”?


Oh, you may know it as “cottage cheese,” “orange peel” or “mattress” syndrome, all referring to the mini-craters of dimpled skin. Yes, we’re talking about cellulite — the dreaded fat-filled cells clumping around your thighs, abdomen, buttocks and other body areas. Cellulite is a condition wherein fat, water and other materials are trapped in the […]